
Picking Out the Perfect Custom Wood Bedroom Furniture

Posted on October 15th, 2018 by warehouseshowrooms

Decorating your bedroom is a big project but can also be a fun experience if you relax and allow yourself to enjoy theprocess. Your room is your personal space and an area in your home where you should feel comfortable and safe. One idea that you may want to consider is selecting custom wood bedroom furniture for your home.

Take your time and avoid panicking if you don’t find what it is you’re looking for immediately. Picking out the perfect pieces may not come easily at first. Therefore, remain patient and have confidence that soon enough your room will be just the way you want it.

Do Your Homework

Start your journey of picking out the perfect custom wood bedroom furniture by spending some time doing your homework. Conduct research on your own of what options are out there. This includes getting familiar with the various online and offline stores that are selling it and figuring out what other homeowners are using in their bedrooms. Take notes about what elements stand out to you the most as you browse. This way, you’ll start to get a feel for your overall style and preferences. This is your chance to go outside the box and show off your unique style through one of the most personal spaces in your home: the bedroom.

Create A Budget

You should avoid going into this project blindly without a budget in mind. Sit down and outline about how much you want to spend on buying custom wood bedroom furniture before you commit to any specific pieces. Keep in mind that furniture is a big expense. It’s in your best interest to decide how much money you want to put down before making any transactions. You may later regret going outside your budget so remain strong and wise about how much you actually want to spend when shopping. Be glad to know there are plenty of options out there for all sorts of price ranges, so don’t feel like you have to settle by any means.

Pay Attention to Quality

Quality is a major factor when considering what bedroom furniture to pick out for your house. You want to make sure that you’re making a purchase from a dependable manufacturer and store that prides themselves on producing reliable products. This type of bedroom furniture is a great choice because it’s not only beautiful to look at but durable and easy to clean as well. It’ll last you years and you’ll thank yourself later on for choosing a robust option because you won’t have to replace it often.

Recognize the Benefits of Wood Furniture

Not only is custom wood bedroom furniture strong and long-lasting, but it’s also versatile. In addition, it’s sustainable and comes in a wide variety of textures and colors. Your bedroom will not only look more appealing and comfortable, but the furniture itself will also come across as warm and rich. The good news is that wood furniture will last you for years. It’ll also uphold its value as time passes. You’ll love the way it shines once it’s clean and free of any dust. Adjust the hues of the wood if you want to add more charm instead of the natural look.

Consider the Various Design Aspects

The best part about custom wood bedroom furniture is that there are a lot of design options to choose from. There are square looks versus rounded pieces and pretty much everything else in between. Not only are there unique shapes, twists and turns but there are also different heights and widths to consider. Keep in mind there are a lot of interesting accessories that look nice with wood too. You can use them to help you decorate your bedroom once you’ve selected the perfect furniture for your space.


Picking out the perfect bedroom furniture should be an exciting experience for you. Use these tips to help you achieve your decorating goals and design a bedroom that truly speaks to you. Avoid worrying what others think as you organize your bedroom. Instead, go with what your gut is telling you when it comes time to make the final decision. You’ll be a lot happier with the final product if you don’t rush through the process. Also, keep a positive attitude that you’ll eventually find what it is you’re looking for.

Posted in Furniture Tips

Why Buy American?

Posted on May 24th, 2024 by warehouseshowrooms

Over 15 million tons of "Fast Furniture" are filling our landfills with poisonous non biodegradable materials each year. Big name brands are the main culprits. High prices don't mean better quality in today's world. American companies are producing less and less because they just can't compete with  billions of dollars spent marketing poor quality furniture. People just assume that furniture shouldn't last and continue the cycle. More and more trash flows every year with no signs of stopping. People should have their furniture longer than they own their car. The rule with furniture is "buy cheap, buy twice". This is unheard of in today's furniture world. Furniture is now created to be thrown away. This imported furniture contains carcinogenic chemicals, takes energy to make, more energy to transport, and then it ends up in a landfill in a couple of years. Market Place and Goodwill should be the first places people with a budget should shop. This way they don't get tricked into financing furniture that will break before it is paid off. We don't need to be gaslighted by corporations with subpar products, fine print, toll free numbers, and hiding behind names that used to be made in America. The worst options are online, where people have no way of knowing the quality before it arrives. Usually arrival comes with damage and it might take two or more tries before an order is complete. The amount of waste financially and environmentally are beyond comprehension. Each year imported furniture makes 221 Billion Dollars, so unfortunately this problem will continue to exacerbate with time. Please do your research and see where your furniture is made and what it contains chemically.

Posted in Furniture Tips
